User Agreement: By purchasing this product or membership, I am committing to the following.
I understand that this and any other training platform requires my effort.
I agree to participate in the course, apply the information, and integrate the learning into my life.
I agree that I want to better myself, my business and/or my organization through the training available on this platform.
I will show up for myself and develop my own winning methods derived from the skills, concepts, mindsets and actions taught inside the training and platform."
Jody Holland, Inc. A.K.A. Psyche Of Success is a professional internet training and coaching organization. It provides content to be consumed and applied by the user or member.
Your specific outcome is solely up to you and not Jody Holland, Inc., its brands, products or affiliates.
We do not guarantee any specific outcome or result from these products and/or services.
It is the member's responsibility to cancel membership at the desired time before the next billing cycle. Refunds are not offered at this time for any reason.
Privacy: By joining live calls, mentor sessions, etc. your likeness, image, voice and other defining traits may be used and/or broadcast for educational purposes at a later date to a public audience. Please leave any live events in order to maintain your privacy if so desired. By remaining on a live event you give your consent to public broadcast for education and/or intrinsic or extrinsic gain on behalf of Jody Holland, Inc. and Psyche of Success with no expectation of compensation to yourself or anyone you are affiliated with.
© 2020 by Jody Holland, inc.