Jody Holland - Headshot

Are you looking for Leadership training for your team that will inspire, motivate and help their growth?

Jody Holland is excited to collaborate with your business and bring you exclusive training that will prepare your organization for higher levels of efficiency and growth. Whether you have 1 employee or thousands, the skills in his programs will help them accomplish success, and build amazing management skills in the process. Jody Holland is a leader in building bold and successful cultures that result in increased engagement, retention, and profitability, Jody has helped thousands of companies achieve more success and fulfillment. He has had the opportunity to train and do business in 14 countries and all across the United States. Jody has worked with the Fortune 500 as well as small businesses from all industries. See what he can do for your business, employee and personal growth and register for an event today!

Supervisor 101 San Angelo

Supervisor 101 is a program designed to give your supervisors and leaders a leg up on facing the challenges in our current employment climate. The four areas that are covered in this new and improved program are... Leveraging Talentā€”This section teaches participants how to identify, attract, interview, and retain great employees. With the changes in today's workforce, it is more critical than ever to attract the best. Building The Team - This section teaches participants how to move their team through key growth phases to achieve the results needed for their position. By understanding the science of team performance, your supervisors will be positioned to achieve incredible outcomes through their people. Emotional Intelligence - There are 5 keys to creating a safe, stable, and emotionally intelligent workforce. By implementing these practical steps, we create a culture that is emotionally driven to come to work and accomplish great things. EQ is more critical now than ever before in attracting and retaining top performers. A Culture of Accountability - The ultimate job of any supervisor is to accomplish work with and through a team. There is a formula as well as a specific model for creating positive accountability. Using this formula, employees crave feedback, grow consistently, and accomplish the work the organization needs. This full day of learning, fun, and growth will position your organization to succeed at much higher levels. Whether you have 1 employee or thousands, the skills in this program will help them find their rhythm, accomplish success, and build an amazing culture in the process.

$199.00 USD

Supervisor 101 - San Angelo

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