We follow the example of a leader more so than we follow their instructions. If the example the leader is setting is aligned with what they are telling their employees to do, people tend to fall in line quickly. However, when what the leader is demonstrating does not align with what they are...
We are all going to make mistakes at some point or another, and when you do, there is no need to be so hard on yourself. There will also be times when things are out of your control, and all you can do is make the most of the situation. How you talk to and feel about yourself is very important....
Whenever you notice a behavior or attitude that needs modification, it’s important to know how to effectively address that with your employees and when it's appropriate. As a leader, your role is crucial in guiding the team to success, and you do that by setting clear expectations,...
Nothing changes until something changes. That sounds straightforward, right? But how often do you hear someone complain about how things are going, where they’re at in life, or what they’re struggling with, etc. but they don’t take new action? Contrary to what many people hope...
Leaders serve as guides for their people, and they use their influence to get results. Whether things go wrong or right in business, a leader has two options: they can either turn to the mirror or to the looking glass. More commonly, leaders will turn to the mirror and praise themselves when...
Some days go by quickly, while others drag on, but the amount of time in each day remains the same. The typical workday is eight hours long, yet the average worker spends less than half of that time actively working. People still look and feel busy, but they aren’t focusing their efforts on...
Our potential is only as strong as our investment in self. We should constantly strive to become better than the person that we were yesterday because we are our own biggest competition. And when we stop focusing on our personal and professional development, our potential stops growing. This...
Your career is not your legacy; your legacy is the impact you have had on those around you. When you think of what you want to be remembered for, it likely isn’t the amount of sales you made, the number of new clients you brought in, or how much you increased the company’s yearly...
I recently watched a video about staying committed to your goals and bettering yourself daily. One of the phrases that really stood out to me in this video is that “discipline is the greatest form of love that you can show yourself.” I had never thought about discipline in this...
When individuals conform to a manager’s ideals, we observe compliance, which many managers tend to confuse with commitment. Just because someone has agreed to follow another person’s standards does not mean that they agree with those standards or support them. Many employees recognize...
If you have ever worked in a group project or have been paired up with multiple coworkers to complete a task, then you have likely seen first-hand that not everyone contributes at the same rate. This is sometimes due to a phenomenon called social loafing, which indicates that some people tend to...
As a leader, your actions and outcomes far outweigh your intentions. No one cares about what you meant to do; they only care about what you have demonstrated. You can have the best intentions for your team and organization, but if you don’t follow-through on those intentions, then they mean...