The Price We Pay

discipline dreams lead yourself no regrets success Oct 04, 2022
Scale with price and value on opposite ends

Everything we want in life comes at a price. If we want success, we trade time, discipline, talent, and often more to get the success we want. If we want a great relationship, we trade arrogance, deceit, and self-centeredness. If we want a great life, we trade our bad habits and laziness to get that great life. We trade our limitations for our possibilities. But make no mistake, it is a trade.

People often look at those who have achieved something great and imagine that it was luck, genetics, or being born to the right parents. But it isn’t the circumstances of life that are driving our outcomes. It is the set of choices we make each and every day that matters.

There is most definitely a sacrifice to be successful, but that price is small in comparison to the price we pay for not living the life we desire. The price of regret often goes on for more than just your generation. The price of regret is knowing you could have made a good choice, chased your dreams, and pursued something that mattered to you, but you chose not to.

There is no easy path to a great life. There is no quick fix to getting everything you want in life. There is simply the choice to give of yourself in exchange for advancement. I would challenge you to become the kind of person who can look back on your life with no regrets. Make the choices every day to discipline yourself toward greatness. Make the choices every day to learn from your mistakes and failures rather than making excuses for them. Most of all, I challenge you to chase your dreams with the disciplined passion of a person on a mission. If you think the price of discipline is too high, wait until you get the bill for regret. Chase your dream!

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