What Story Inspires You?
Oct 28, 2022
Lately, I’ve been wondering what makes one person more inspiring than another. It seems that our world loves failure turned success. We glamorize the idea that people made consistently bad choices for years, hurting their family and friends, at times even destroying lives. The story of our lives shouldn’t have to start with tragedy or bad decisions. A realization that hit me is that everyone is looking for the same basic feeling about their own life.
We want to know there is hope for us to live the life we desire. We want to know it isn’t too late. We find that hope in the process or models of success presented to us. The story that makes the biggest difference is the one that lights a path for others to follow. Whether a person is striving to build a business, a family, their faith, or a friendship, they want to hope that it will work. They want to know that somebody else has suffered through what they have suffered through. Mostly, they want to know they don’t need to keep suffering.
The vision you have for your life is possible. You may be only one idea away from success, one week from things turning around, one insight from finding your center, or one introduction away from the best friend you have ever met. The aspect of another person’s story that inspires us is that they took action, whether it made sense or not. They stepped forward when the call to take a risk came in. They got up and kept getting up until their life’s vision was achieved.
What is the one thing you have been avoiding? What is the one thing that you know in your soul that could lead to the life you want? When you identify that and refuse to quit regardless of the obstacles you face, life will have no choice but to deliver your vision. Nobody ever said writing your story would be easy. Nobody ever said you would only have to try once. The truth about every story is those who inspire are those who never quit. Now go write your story!
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