Join The Leadership Collaborative Today!

Have you ever hired someone you ended up wishing you had never met? Want to consistently get top performers instead?

We have researched and created a predictable 3-step system to attract, develop, and retain top performers. If you want more of the good ones and fewer of the bad ones, we can help.

Stop The Bleeding

81% of turnover is caused by the direct supervisor of an employee... at all levels. Knowing that people quit people, and knowing that leadership skills can be learned, teaching the skills of a great leader at the Supervisory, Management, and Leadership levels is the first step to success! 

A lack of the right leadership skills causes turnover. Building great leadership skills stops it.

Implement A Hiring Strategy

An effective hiring strategy accounts for the new model of attracting people to apply for your open positions. This strategy involves strategic recruiting, effective candidate screening for fit, and predictive interviewing.

Leaders create systems and systems create outcomes. Therefore, the right systems create the right outcomes and the wrong ones create chaos.

Chart The Course

The final step is about making the change stick for the long term. By building a talent map to advance your people at each level, creating your onboarding systems, and evolving your people into high-performing teams, you 10X your profits while more effectively fulfilling the mission and vision of the organization. 

People follow the leader that inspires them to be more, do more, and achieve more.

Training Programs That Get Results!

We focus on helping organizations attract, develop, and retain great people. Our primary focus is on the skills required to supervise, manage, and lead others in all facets of their business.

The point of training is to create positive outcomes for the organization. We focus on creating the ROI you desire from your investment in your people. 

We understand that improvements in employee retention and performance divided by your investment in your team is the net ROI. We always strive to create a strong multiplier of positive outcomes for you and your organization.

Check Out Our Courses!

The Leadership Collaborative

In today's competitive business world, investing in and developing your people is not just an option; it's a strategic necessity. The Leadership Collaborative is more than just another online course... It's a pathway to unlocking the full potential of your team.

There are 3 approaches to leadership development: leadership done by you, leadership done for you, and leadership done with you.

The Leadership Collaborative takes on the approach of "leadership done with you." This empowers you to take the reigns of leadership within your organization and helps you cultivate a culture of success.

The course offers 120 leadership tips designed to make you an expert on effective leadership. By having short lessons that can be implemented each week, followed by meaningful discussion or activity, we create the highest likelihood of positive change.

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F.I.R.S.T.E.P The 7 Steps to Business Success!

Download our $20 eBook (For FREE) to see if your business is practicing the F.I.R.S.T.E.P, 7 Rules of Success.

We are here to help you achieve more and overcome the challenges your business is facing.

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With a B.A. in Communications and an M.S. in Psychology, Jody Holland is a highly qualified and experienced professional with specialized training and certifications in leadership, online instruction, course design, team-building, management, and personnel testing. As a leader in building bold and successful cultures that lead to increased engagement, retention, and profitability, Jody has a proven track record of helping organizations achieve greater success and fulfillment. With extensive experience training and doing business in 14 countries and across the United States, Jody has worked with companies ranging from the Fortune 50 to small businesses in a variety of industries.

With over 300 keynote speeches at conferences, both in-person and virtually, and more than 250,000 leaders trained, Jody is a sought-after speaker and executive coach. He has personally coached hundreds of top executives and is the author of 23 books, including books on leadership, time management, sales, personal development, and organizational development. Additionally, Jody has co-authored more than 30 training programs on supervision, management, leadership, sales, and service. His books can be found on

Why Employees Leave

Perhaps one of the most frustrating things we deal with as business leaders is turnover. When we have an amazing product or service and simply want to bring it to market, we quickly realize that it isn't just about the "better mousetrap." In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that 81% of why an employee begins looking for another opportunity is because of the supervisors and leaders in the organization. This means 81 out of 100 employees seek other employment because of the way they are being mismanaged. 

The part of running a business most people don't think about is the people part. We think about strategy, marketing, sales, profitability, and a whole lot more, but often forget the linchpin in the plan. If we can supervise, manage, and lead with the right skills, we can engage our teams to give their very best and live into the purpose we are seeking as a business. 

People work for people, not for companies. When we embrace this, we realize it is the human skills that drive performance more than the technical skills. While the technical side is still important, it is the human relationship piece of leadership that makes the greatest impact. What are the behavioral interactions that would drive you to leave an organization? What would prompt you to seek other opportunities? When you sit with those questions and are truly honest, you will likely know what would drive others to leave your company. Being deliberate about building potential through strategic skills development is what will reduce turnover and increase employee engagement. In the end, we either invest in the leadership of our teams... or we pay for it.

The Four Roles of a Leader

There are four primary roles a leader plays in the workplace. Each of these roles has a profound impact on the desire of employees to follow, engage, and give their discretionary effort. Price's Law states that the square root of the total number of employees in your organization will produce 51% of the work output. This is before an intentional development program and before the deliberate replication of our top performers. This means that in a 10-employee company, 32% of your people are top performers, but in a 100-employee company, only 10% are top performers. The larger the organization, the bigger the gap becomes between the number of top performers and the rest of the employees. This brings us to developing the key skills within the four roles of a leader and how we create significantly more top performers.

Role #1 is The Connector. In order to create solid connections within the workplace, we must master three skills as a leader. Without a solid reason to connect, employees will simply go their own way and will lack both direction and inspiration. Skill 1 is Values-Based Diversity. This involves understanding why people are who they are and how they labeled their experiences in life to become this version of themselves. Skill 2 is Motivation. This requires the mastery of 5 core motivational concepts which result in the internal, or intrinsic, motivation of our teams. Skill 3 is that of Effective Communication. Along with mastering our outlook toward our team, it also involves the skill of active listening and the process of setting clear expectations. 

Role #2 is The Corrector. With employee leadership comes the opportunity to deal with employee challenges. The first skill required to correct challenges with people is that of Coaching for High Performance. This involves how we clarify expectations, engage with our people, and use the Socratic model of correction. Skill #2 is Conflict Resolution. This skill is rooted in a framework that enables us to confront another person without making it personal. Skill #3 is Corrective Counseling. This is a more intense approach to getting a difficult employee back on track. It involves the creation of accountability through a strategic framework of questions. 

Role #3 is The Visionary. This role charts the course for the organization and inspires teams to give the very best of who they are. Skill #1 in this section is Goal Setting and Tracking. This involves the establishment of a vision worth chasing, backed by definite plans of action with measurable outcomes. Skill #2 is Problem Solving. Each of us will face problems along the path to success. Having a 5-Step model for solving any problem, backed by root-cause analysis tools, is fundamental to our success. Skill #3 is Group Decision-Making. Having a model to recognize how decisions are made in a group setting, then following a system that creates predictably positive decisions, is the difference between Good and Great. 

Role #4 is The Transformer. This final role a leader plays is all about making the positive directions work in the long term. Skill #1 is Building High-Performance Teams. This is the process of systematically evolving our teams and developing them through the four stages of team development. Skill #2 is all about building Ethics, Values, and a Great Culture. After all, culture eats strategy for breakfast every day. Skill #3 is Priority Management. This is the process of systematically identifying and eliminating the things that do not move us toward our purpose while making the things that truly matter front and center. 

By developing these skills in your people, which we do through both the Leadership Collaborative as well as through our Leadership Academy, you ensure that your teams can fulfill the four required roles of a leader.