Either… Or

attribution choices free will leadership success Oct 03, 2022
note written on napkin - Either you run the day or the day runs you

I believe we overcomplicate our lives through indecision. We try to imagine every possibility of how things can turn out. We imagine what others will think of us, what we will think of ourselves, and even worry at times that others won’t think of us. But none of that really matters. What matters is what we choose to do with our lives. When we graduate high school, we either continue our education and do what is required to advance our opportunities, or we don’t. The simplicity of the choices in front of us is that we either go in one direction or we go in the other.

If we start a business, we either learn the skills required for our success or choose not to. If we are in sales, we either do the prospecting, pitching, and closing required to hit our targets, or we don’t. If we are married, we are either intentionally about investing in and building our relationship, or we are unintentional and allow the world to pull us this way or that.

Everything in life simply comes down to the choices we make. At the end of our lives, we will look back and either be proud of our choices or we won’t. We will either accept full responsibility for our lives or blame things outside of ourselves for where we ended up. The only happy people I know are the ones that have accepted that life is simply a set of either-or choices.

What choices are you faced with today? Will you either accept full responsibility and move your life forward, or will you look for someone else to blame for your circumstances? Everything is either a choice for responsibility or an excuse to blame. Make good choices today.

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