Everything’s Easier When…
Sep 25, 2022
One of the disciplines I have tried to maintain is of choosing my focus first thing in the morning. I have observed that when I start my day with an attitude of gratitude, everything goes better. For many people, especially on Mondays for some reason, when the alarm goes off to get ready for work, negativity floods the mind. People often begin thinking about all the things they need to do, how hard it is going to be, and on and on. One simple shift can make a big difference.
I begin with the phrase, ‘I am so grateful I have the opportunity to do the thing I love again today.’ I then spend a few minutes imagining my day going great. I imagine really enjoying the work I am blessed to do. I imagine helping others work through challenges. I imagine bringing both success and a positive attitude to the people I serve. This shift is a shift in focus. It is incredible what a mind-bending reality we experience when switching our focus from a negative to a positive.
I still remember a cartoon from the funny papers where one man is sitting on one side of a train staring at the rocks of the mountain several feet away. He was upset and depressed because there was no beauty to be found. On the other side of the train, just a few feet away, another man was staring out the window at a vast open valley. He was filled with wonder at all the beauty before him. In the cartoon, there were lots of open seats on the side where the beauty was to be observed.
I think the same is true in life. There are lots of open seats for us to switch to. All we have to do is move our minds to the other side and begin to witness the incredible. I would challenge you to focus on being grateful for the experiences of life today. Be grateful for the opportunity to be you, the opportunity to help others, the opportunity to solve a problem you are good at solving, and the opportunity for another chance at life. Be grateful for every experience today.
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