Leveraging Different

authenticity creativity leadership potential self leadership Sep 17, 2022
Gold Fish leaving a crowded fish bowl for another empty fish bowl

We spend most of our lives striving to fit in with the world around us. We dress like the people around us. We talk like the people around us. We even strive to know the same information as the people around us. Admittedly, much of the conditioning we are given pushes us toward this sameness with our surroundings. But what if different was actually what you were meant to be?

I think we can find patterns of uniqueness in our lives if we step back from the hustle and bustle for a moment and remember on purpose. Think back to as early as you can remember in your life and focus on one experience that shaped your thinking about family. Then, think back to somewhere between 3rd grade and the end of 8th grade and remember an experience that shaped your thinking about who you wanted to be known as. Finally, think back to a time between freshman year in high school and your mid-twenties and remember an experience that shaped your self-concept around what you should do for a living.

I think we have each had a few experiences in our lives that were meant to guide us into being unique. It is the uniqueness that the world needs from us. It is our ability to step away from the conditioning of all those in society screaming at us, telling us what to be angry about. When we step into our authentic selves, we bring a little sunshine and happiness to the world. We have to be careful not to be angry at others and assume they don’t like us. That is the voice in our own head holding us back. Instead, embrace who you are. Embrace what makes you unique. Seek out the memory of your experiences and find a way to contribute to the betterment of the world by being fully you.

Take a few minutes today and remember your early experiences. Then, think about how those have helped you become exactly what the world needs right now.

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