What Are You Selling?

engagement leadership purpose recruiting Oct 02, 2022
What Are You Selling?

As employers, we often think we are selling a paycheck and discipline to potential employees. I just don’t think they want to buy those things with their time. This is likely why most employers immediately think they are short-staffed because they don’t pay enough. But what is it that employees really want to buy with their time?

Viktor Frankl believed that people seek pleasure when there is an absence of purpose in their lives. Purpose generates passion and a desire to give more of who we are to the cause we believe in. Purpose gives us the strength to discipline ourselves to move forward even when it is difficult. Purpose allows us to look back on our lives with content for the choices we have made. Purpose creates the positive emotions needed to make it through tough times. But… purpose isn’t always easy.

It takes a much stronger leader to hold a noble purpose up as the lantern that guides the steps taken in business. When we illuminate the path to purpose, it often reveals the negative aspects of who we are as a company or who some of our leaders are as people. When our weaknesses are revealed, we have three choices. We can deal with them, deny them, or pretend they were not revealed.

When we really listen to what employees want to buy from us, this serves as the lantern of truth that guides us through a tough employment time. Employees want a place where they make a positive impact both through the fulfillment of purpose and the advancement of the team. Employees want a place where they feel a sense of belonging. And they want a place where they can explore the best of who they are. We create an engaged workforce when we can sell them these things in exchange for their time and effort. When we simply sell them the money that allows them to find pleasure elsewhere, they will still long for purpose.

I would challenge you to become the leader others want to follow. Listen to your employees and your potential employees about what inspires their greatness, then find a way to help them achieve it.

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