Your Story Matters engagement leadership storyframe storytelling for business Jan 12, 2023

Over the past couple of decades, I have encouraged leaders to share the stories behind their entrepreneurial journeys. Some have been reluctant, stating it made them sound self-absorbed. Others have been excited, hoping to inspire stronger engagement from their people. Those who have embraced the...

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Creating More Leaders employee engagement engagement leadership self improvement self-awareness Dec 29, 2022

We have to start with the premise that the main role of a leader is to create more leaders, not to gather followers. I have wondered what a difference this would make with organizations if they shifted their mindset away from trying to “make” people do what they are supposed to. The...

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3 Leadership Communication Changes for 2023 engagement generation z leadership performance management retention Dec 27, 2022

3 Key changes are coming in 2023 for leaders. I was working with several of my clients in this last quarter and really digging in to analyze what is and isn’t working for them. One particular client, we’ll call them Awesome Company A, or ACA for short, had tremendous success pre-Covid...

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3 Reasons Performance Reviews Don’t Work engagement leadership performance management performance reviews Oct 13, 2022

As the generations change, so does the approach to managing performance in the workplace. A couple of generations ago, performance was managed in an annual conversation and written evaluation. The annual performance review proved to provide very little developmental value over and over again, but...

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What Are You Selling? engagement leadership purpose recruiting Oct 02, 2022

As employers, we often think we are selling a paycheck and discipline to potential employees. I just don’t think they want to buy those things with their time. This is likely why most employers immediately think they are short-staffed because they don’t pay enough. But what is it that...

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The Problems We Solve Matter engagement mission people management problem solving vision Sep 29, 2022

Perhaps the most accurate common denominator for all people is that we face problems. The better we become at facing and resolving problems, the more opportunity we are given in life. This is the irony of success. People often think that being successful means you no longer have problems. That...

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