Clarity over Certainty

decision making leadership mission driven companies pride Sep 24, 2022
Clarity over Certainty

There is nothing worse than running confidently in the wrong direction. This is a thought I have had about multiple leaders over the years. To see someone absolutely certain about their “rightness” without regard for the outcomes and without proper research on the likely outcomes of their decisions makes for a horrible show. And yet, we are seeing more and more of this. But why?

Throughout history, when we see an uncoachable leader, who has to be right, and who makes unilateral decisions regardless of the counsel of his/her people, we know we are about to see a fall. Proverbs 16:18 was a warning about decision-making when it stated, “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty (self-absorbed) spirit before a fall.” The need to be better than others, combined with too great a view of self, has caused all kinds of trainwrecks over the years.

As leaders, there are three constructs that can keep us from destroying our careers as well as the careers of others.

  1. Do your research — Seek out proof, not opinion, about any business idea you are exploring. There are a lot of opinions out there, but there is also verifiable truth.

By doing real research, asking for balanced discussion, and focusing on fulfilling our mission through and for our people and organization, we protect everyone better. Don’t be that person that tells people “they just know they are right.” That person creates all kinds of issues through their certainty and destroys companies, taking themselves down in the process. It is your responsibility to serve the mission, vision, values, and people that you lead. Stay clear, rather than certain, and you will find that success chases you down!

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