The Rhythm of You
Oct 08, 2022
Each of us operates under a certain rhythm we have developed throughout our lives. Everyone is driven by this rhythm, but most never know what it is. The rhythm has been called a habit loop, daily patterns, preconscious thought, and a host of other labels. No matter what it is called, it is what drives the outcomes you achieve in your life. There are three primary aspects of your rhythm.
- Personal Growth — Your mindset toward growth will determine how far you go in life. An open mindset focused on possibilities for the future yields itself to an awareness of what isn’t working as well as a recognition of the patterns of success that do work. When we have this type of mindset, we face challenges by moving through the four stages of learning.
a. Unconsciously Unskilled is a stage where we don’t know what we don’t know. It takes experiences to open our eyes to the reality that we have more to learn.
b. Consciously Unskilled is a stage where we are now aware of what skill gaps exist for us and humble enough to know we need to seek growth and development to overcome the struggle.
c. Consciously Skilled is a stage where we have read books, attended seminars, and learned the skills needed to overcome the challenge. This stage requires an intentional focus on a better outcome and the application of our new skills.
d. Unconsciously Skilled is a stage where we have practiced and practiced the new skill while listening to feedback, and it has become an extension of who we are. - Openness to Feedback — The most successful people in the world seek out feedback from those who are further along in life than they are. Those who never advance feel they already know all the answers. The feedback loop should be set up to find what is right and wrong with our approach to facing challenges. Being open means dropping the ego and embracing growth.
- A Purpose For Your Life — Not long ago, I wrote that the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Three specific aspects of creating a purpose for your life will impact your fulfillment in pursuing success.
a. You have to know what values you would never compromise on. One of the easiest ways to do this is to make a list of 5 values that are critically important to you, then eliminate one at a time from that list until you get to the one you could never imagine living without.
b. You have to know what actions define you and represent your most important value. People judge others based on what they do, and know what they intend. By creating a list of 5 actions that represent your key value and propel you toward greater success, you have a baseline for achievement. Then, remove one action at a time until you get down to the one action that would matter the most.
c. Results are what each of us really looks at in our lives. The result we wish to be known for and ultimately remembered for pulls our purpose into focus. Think about 5 outcomes you would like to be remembered for, then narrow them down one by one until you get to the one outcome you can’t imagine living without.
By looking at the values, actions, and results you want to be known for, you can then organize those into a statement. I am here to ________(action) to _______(accomplish result) because _______(description of my value driver).
When we are more intentional about these three aspects of our rhythm, we pull ourselves toward better patterns of behavior. When we simply allow the rhythms of other people’s thoughts, our circumstances, or any outside force to control us, we move into a negative rhythm and wrong behaviors. Be intentional about creating your rhythm of success.
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