Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Shaping Life's Clay: Embracing Mistakes and Unexpected Turns
Shaping Life's Clay: Embracing Mistakes and Unexpected Turns achievement be kind to yourself growth mindset habits for success meaningful action personal accountability self-talk Sep 10, 2024

We are all going to make mistakes at some point or another, and when you do, there is no need to be so hard on yourself. There will also be times when things are out of your control, and all you can do is make the most of the situation. How you talk to and feel about yourself is very important....

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
The Law of Unending Growth
The Law of Unending Growth achievement growth and development habits for success improvement overcoming personal growth professional growth Aug 06, 2024

Our potential is only as strong as our investment in self. We should constantly strive to become better than the person that we were yesterday because we are our own biggest competition. And when we stop focusing on our personal and professional development, our potential stops growing. This...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success
Self-Discipline Leads to Greater Success achievement growth mindset habits for success personal accountability personal responsibility self-discipline Jul 23, 2024

I recently watched a video about staying committed to your goals and bettering yourself daily. One of the phrases that really stood out to me in this video is that “discipline is the greatest form of love that you can show yourself.” I had never thought about discipline in this...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Believe in Your Potential More than You Believe in Your Limitations
Believe in Your Potential More than You Believe in Your Limitations growth mindset habits for success potential self-concept Feb 06, 2024

The key to growing personally and professionally is to believe in your potential more than you believe in your limitations. Many people suffer from imposter syndrome, thinking as though they are a fraud or don’t deserve their success. This is especially common when people move up quickly or...

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Habit Loops charles duhigg habit loop habits habits for success leadership Oct 11, 2022

Think about the habits you have formed that lead directly to your success. Then, think about the habits you have that keep you from succeeding at the level you should. Each of our good or bad habits gives us a reward for their implementation. Procrastination gives us relief right now from...

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The Rhythm of You habit loop habits for success hypnotic rhythm lead yourself leadership Oct 08, 2022

Each of us operates under a certain rhythm we have developed throughout our lives. Everyone is driven by this rhythm, but most never know what it is. The rhythm has been called a habit loop, daily patterns, preconscious thought, and a host of other labels. No matter what it is called, it is what...

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