Your career is not your legacy; your legacy is the impact you have had on those around you. When you think of what you want to be remembered for, it likely isn’t the amount of sales you made, the number of new clients you brought in, or how much you increased the company’s yearly...
As a leader, your actions and outcomes far outweigh your intentions. No one cares about what you meant to do; they only care about what you have demonstrated. You can have the best intentions for your team and organization, but if you don’t follow-through on those intentions, then they mean...
Sometimes we get into a position where we feel like we don’t belong, even when we have worked hard to get there. Maybe you have experienced this at work, at a university, in a leadership position, or elsewhere. This is what is called imposter syndrome. It feels as though we have not earned...
Leadership is a skill that some people are born with, while others develop it. It often takes training, practice, and repetition for a person to feel comfortable within a leadership role, and the learning process never ends. There is always room for growth and development as a leader. In fact,...