How much more effective do you think you could be if you approached everything in business through a specific frame of mind? For the last several years, our employees have individually chosen a word or phrase for which we want to filter our lives through during the year. For example, last year I...

It’s easy to start losing momentum after getting a taste of time-off during the end of the year. You have been working hard to meet your annual and fourth quarter goals, and you’re ready for a break. Now is not the time to give up though. Keep pushing forward, and finish out the year...

Social loafing is the idea that when individuals are working in a group, they put in less effort than when working on their own. The assumption of a social loafer is that whatever they choose not to do, someone else will take care of. Unfortunately for some, they are often right in that...

Setting goals is not about what you get; it’s about what you have to become. Although this stems from a desire to accomplish something great, when you are setting a goal, you are stating that you believe you are the kind of person who can achieve that goal. This belief in self is powerful...

We follow the example of a leader more so than we follow their instructions. If the example the leader is setting is aligned with what they are telling their employees to do, people tend to fall in line quickly. However, when what the leader is demonstrating does not align with what they are...

We are all going to make mistakes at some point or another, and when you do, there is no need to be so hard on yourself. There will also be times when things are out of your control, and all you can do is make the most of the situation. How you talk to and feel about yourself is very important....

Leaders serve as guides for their people, and they use their influence to get results. Whether things go wrong or right in business, a leader has two options: they can either turn to the mirror or to the looking glass. More commonly, leaders will turn to the mirror and praise themselves when...

Our potential is only as strong as our investment in self. We should constantly strive to become better than the person that we were yesterday because we are our own biggest competition. And when we stop focusing on our personal and professional development, our potential stops growing. This...

I recently watched a video about staying committed to your goals and bettering yourself daily. One of the phrases that really stood out to me in this video is that “discipline is the greatest form of love that you can show yourself.” I had never thought about discipline in this...

As a leader, your actions and outcomes far outweigh your intentions. No one cares about what you meant to do; they only care about what you have demonstrated. You can have the best intentions for your team and organization, but if you don’t follow-through on those intentions, then they mean...

We are entering the halfway point of the calendar year, and that means it’s time to evaluate where we started, where we’re currently at, and where we’re headed in business. There are many advantages to having checkpoints throughout the year, and the middle-of-the-year review is...

If you have siblings, then you probably know that two or more people can be raised in the same household by the same people and still turn out to be very different from one another. Why is it then that we expect our employees to be just like us? We have this idea in our minds for what success...