The 8 Stages of Man 8 stages of man erik erikson personal growth psychology Jan 08, 2023

I have always been fascinated with how we evolve and become the versions of ourselves that we present to the world. One of the great thinkers I have studied for this is Erik Erikson. Erikson was a psychoanalyst and developmental psychologist who is best known for his theory of the eight stages of...

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How We See Ourselves aspirations personal growth psychology Nov 27, 2022

I believe most people are good. I also believe most people want to be successful. In business, we spend a great deal of time focused on how we can make other people do the things we need them to do instead of focusing on what keeps them from being their best.

As we evaluate ourselves in life, we...

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Through The Looking Glass charles cooley healthy mind leadership coaching psychology self concept Oct 07, 2022

Charles Cooley suggested that we are not simply what we perceive ourselves to be. Instead, we are what we imagine others perceive us to be. His theory, known as “The Looking-Glass Self,” proposed that we create the value of ourselves based on paying attention to what others around us...

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Why We Do Anything decision making emotions lead yourself logic psychology Oct 01, 2022

I was thinking about the motivation required to pursue anything in our lives and had a realization. Anything we do, we do because we are seeking a specific feeling. When a person hoards things, they are seeking the feeling of security, knowing that the thing they own will always be there when...

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Facing Your Shadow carl jung individuation overcoming psychology shadow work Sep 14, 2022

Dr. Carl Jung founded Analytical Psychology with a focus on helping people figure out how to be the best version of themselves. This was a departure from the more fatalistic view Freud held about how messed up a person was. One of the key concepts Jung talked about was what he called...

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