Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
The Positive Impacts of Developing Leadership Skills
The Positive Impacts of Developing Leadership Skills business advice employee engagement growth and development leadership development leadership skills May 21, 2024

Even once you have reached a leadership position, you are not done developing yourself. Leaders are lifelong learners. Continuously investing in and developing one’s leadership skills will yield positive results for the leader, those that follow them, and the organization itself.

When you...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Building Success by Building Teams
Building Success by Building Teams building trust business success commitment employee engagement job satisfaction team building Nov 07, 2023

Organizational success is dependent on the people that make up the company. Success cannot be attributed to just one person, though a leader will encourage others and guide them in the right direction. Everyone plays an important role in the growth and success of the organization, and it would...

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5 Workplace Trends Leaders Need To Focus On employee engagement employee motivation employee performance leadership Jan 07, 2023

I remember that Monday very clearly. I was sitting in a room filled with Gen Xers who had all started working for the same organization. An older gentleman, likely at the start of the Baby Boomer generation, stood in front of us and said, “You people scare me. You scare me because you are...

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Employee Engagement employee engagement employee motivation employee performance leadership Jan 04, 2023

Employee engagement refers to the extent to which employees feel invested in their work and committed to their organization. Research has shown that engaged employees are more likely to be productive, stay with the company longer, and have positive attitudes toward their work. Some factors that...

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Creating More Leaders employee engagement engagement leadership self improvement self-awareness Dec 29, 2022

We have to start with the premise that the main role of a leader is to create more leaders, not to gather followers. I have wondered what a difference this would make with organizations if they shifted their mindset away from trying to “make” people do what they are supposed to. The...

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Why Are They Leaving? employee engagement employee retention leadership development leadership skills leadership training Oct 29, 2022

In a 2022 study by Flexjobs, looking at the reasons over 2000 individuals quit their jobs, they found that toxic company culture was at the head of the list. A company’s culture is simply the collective personality and value structures of the leaders represented in the workplace. We talk...

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