Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
The Positive Impacts of Developing Leadership Skills
The Positive Impacts of Developing Leadership Skills business advice employee engagement growth and development leadership development leadership skills May 21, 2024

Even once you have reached a leadership position, you are not done developing yourself. Leaders are lifelong learners. Continuously investing in and developing one’s leadership skills will yield positive results for the leader, those that follow them, and the organization itself.

When you...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Becoming a Great Manager vs. Becoming a Great Leader
Becoming a Great Manager vs. Becoming a Great Leader achievement business advice growth and development inspiring others management and leadership Apr 09, 2024

Management is very different from leadership, but there are benefits to developing skills in both areas. When I think of managing others, I think of monitoring, measuring, and sometimes correcting employee performance. On the other hand, when I think of leading others, I think of inspiring...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Embrace Your Mistakes
Embrace Your Mistakes growth and development growth mindset learn from mistakes personal accountability Mar 05, 2024

I used to think that being successful meant never making any mistakes, but I have since learned that some of the most successful people in life have made the most mistakes. The key to their success is that they learned from those mistakes. They did not become discouraged, they did not shut down,...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
The Power of Mentorship
The Power of Mentorship business coaching great leaders growth and development mentor Feb 27, 2024

Most of the time in life, we don’t have all of the answers. There are plenty of things we don’t know but want to learn, and that’s when finding a mentor is extremely beneficial. A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor that guides you through the business landscape. They...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
How to Set Your Employees Up for Success from the Start
How to Set Your Employees Up for Success from the Start business strategy growth and development invest in your team leadership training Dec 12, 2023

To have a successful organization, you need to build successful teams. The investment in your employees starts from day one of their hire. Each department and each individual employee contributes to the overall success and functioning of the company, so you want to set them up with the right...

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Jody Holland Training & Speaking | Leadership
Decisions, People, Impact
Decisions, People, Impact decision making growth and development impact leadership positive culture Oct 31, 2023

Leaders have a long list of responsibilities to fulfill, and one of those responsibilities is making decisions. When making a decision, the leader must respond in a timely manner, often deciding things on the spot. However, we still expect them to be informed and consider the various outcomes...

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Seek Influence, Not Control autonomy growth and development influence leadership Jun 06, 2023

What are some of the things that come to mind when you think of leadership? Do you think of managing people or do you think of guiding them? Controlling them or influencing them? Being a leader is not about being in control of others, enforcing rules, or giving out orders. Leaders guide others...

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Innovation and Differentiation growth and development improvement innovation Apr 20, 2023

Innovate: “to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.” 


We push this idea of innovation onto leaders, corporations, civilians, and the like. To be successful means to be innovative, even transformative. We are...

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