At the end of 2021 and now through 2022, people have been leaving their jobs in droves. Baby Boomers are retiring at a record pace. Young moms are staying home due to the rising cost of daycare and shifts in perspective on work. The gig economy has grown rapidly and continues to displace...
There are really two sides of self that we experience as we develop in life. As early as a few months old, we begin to discover that we are separate and unique from others. This first aspect of self-discovery is the existential self. Throughout our lives, we tend to battle with striving to be...
Friedrich Nietzsche was a philosopher who is now considered one of the great thinkers of history. That wasn’t his life experience, however, as he was living it. He left academics to pursue his own writing, finding that most people of his time had little to no use for his work. He struggled...
How often have you wondered what was next as an entrepreneur or businessperson? This question can prompt us to think about the next level for our career or business. Or, it can prompt us to wonder why bad things are happening to us. I would propose that we have all wondered exactly that, likely...
In a 2022 study by Flexjobs, looking at the reasons over 2000 individuals quit their jobs, they found that toxic company culture was at the head of the list. A company’s culture is simply the collective personality and value structures of the leaders represented in the workplace. We talk...
Lately, I’ve been wondering what makes one person more inspiring than another. It seems that our world loves failure turned success. We glamorize the idea that people made consistently bad choices for years, hurting their family and friends, at times even destroying lives. The story of our...
One of the things I have experienced in my entrepreneurial journey is facing the same problem multiple times. At the beginning of my career, I made the assumption that I could face a problem once and it would never come back. Instead, the experience I had was facing a problem at a small scale...
Throughout our lives, we go through experience after experience that shapes us into the person we are. Each experience is evaluated for its meaning to us, and then our image of self is adapted to the label. As we evaluate the meaning of an experience, we choose our reactions based on the meaning...
The Stoics believed that our thoughts create our experience of the world, not our circumstances. They posited that taking full responsibility for our minds allows us to experience the world we desire. The mind itself is simply running the programs given to it through our development. This means...
One of the challenges employees faces is in understanding what their supervisors are asking of them. I have yet to meet a person that wants to fail in life. Of the thousands of people I have worked with, every single one of them wanted to succeed. It’s just that many of them weren’t...
I have been teaching conflict resolution for right at a quarter of a century and joke that 1st Jody 1:2 reads… Where two or more are gathered together, conflict shall exist. Humans simply see the world from their own angle instead of another person's angle. I have often referred to this as...
The first job of a leader is to define reality for their team. This doesn’t mean a leader redefines actual existence, though. It means that a leader defines the parameters within which we pursue success. From the models of work, to the profitability models, to the culture itself, leaders...