A mission statement is a statement of the purpose of a company, organization, or individual. It provides a clear, concise, and inspiring direction for an entity and serves as a guide for decision-making and action. A well-crafted mission statement can be a powerful tool for aligning and inspiring...
Being a great leader requires a combination of skills, experience, and personal qualities. While some people are naturally more inclined to leadership, anyone can learn how to become a great leader with the right attitude and approach. Here are some tips on how to develop your leadership skills:
...We have to start with the premise that the main role of a leader is to create more leaders, not to gather followers. I have wondered what a difference this would make with organizations if they shifted their mindset away from trying to “make” people do what they are supposed to. The...
I sat down with a new business owner a few years back to help him overcome some struggles and succeed. I had never worked with this guy before but had helped hundreds of other business owners, so I imagined we could make something happen. We will call him, John (not his actual name).
3 Key changes are coming in 2023 for leaders. I was working with several of my clients in this last quarter and really digging in to analyze what is and isn’t working for them. One particular client, we’ll call them Awesome Company A, or ACA for short, had tremendous success pre-Covid...
The theory of reality states that what is real isn’t what you hope for, nor is it what you perceive. What is real is what is measurable and tangible. I say this because it is important to remember that we often perceive ourselves differently than how others will perceive us. We often...
Another speaker I listened to this past week talked about his struggle to overcome a stutter. When he was a kid, he suffered from severe anxiety because of the stutter. This anxiety carried over into his adulthood as well. He told about how he spent an entire year as a young adult pretending to...
I listened to a speaker this week who was giving advice from Texas. One piece of advice I found to be really relevant was being cautious about where we get our advice. The piece of Texas wisdom was, “Never take advice from a naked man offering you his shirt.” Though it was intended to...
The whole world opens up when you give up the need to be better. The mindset of the beginner is that of curiosity. The longer a person is focused in a given area, though, the more difficult it can be to preserve the beginner mindset. When I first started speaking professionally, I read everything...
I believe most people are good. I also believe most people want to be successful. In business, we spend a great deal of time focused on how we can make other people do the things we need them to do instead of focusing on what keeps them from being their best.
As we evaluate ourselves in life, we...
At the end of 2021 and now through 2022, people have been leaving their jobs in droves. Baby Boomers are retiring at a record pace. Young moms are staying home due to the rising cost of daycare and shifts in perspective on work. The gig economy has grown rapidly and continues to displace...
There are really two sides of self that we experience as we develop in life. As early as a few months old, we begin to discover that we are separate and unique from others. This first aspect of self-discovery is the existential self. Throughout our lives, we tend to battle with striving to be...