The Unsexy Truth About Success hard work success successful entrepreneurs Oct 15, 2022

I would imagine every generation of young people has imagined being wildly successful on an idea alone. It would come to them in a flash of insight that they put down on paper, and then people show up to magically make them rich because the idea is so good. I know those were my thoughts at 27...

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When I Was A Kid… careers childlikewonder dreams come true hopes and dreams Oct 14, 2022

We hear people talk regularly about what the world was like when they were a kid. Our parents likely had to trudge uphill to school, barefoot, jacketless, in the snow. Then somehow, it would be uphill on the way home after school as well. What we seldom hear about, though, is what people actually...

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3 Reasons Performance Reviews Don’t Work engagement leadership performance management performance reviews Oct 13, 2022

As the generations change, so does the approach to managing performance in the workplace. A couple of generations ago, performance was managed in an annual conversation and written evaluation. The annual performance review proved to provide very little developmental value over and over again, but...

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What We Crave brass ring fulfillment purpose success Oct 12, 2022

Throughout my life, I have watched people chase after the illusive brass ring. They define the lifestyle they want and chase after the lifestyle as if it will bring them the joy they have been missing. They think that the right car, the right house, or the right significant other will be the key....

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Habit Loops charles duhigg habit loop habits habits for success leadership Oct 11, 2022

Think about the habits you have formed that lead directly to your success. Then, think about the habits you have that keep you from succeeding at the level you should. Each of our good or bad habits gives us a reward for their implementation. Procrastination gives us relief right now from...

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4th Quarter Reboot — How to Get And Stay Organized to Win 4th quarter leadership priority management time management Oct 10, 2022

When I started my business in 1999, I was less than organized in my approach to success. I tried to keep my calendar organized through a combination of notepads and memory. It was not a winning combination. I started my business in September of 1999, so my 4th Quarter came quickly. I missed an...

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Goal Accomplishment Letdown balanced life depression goals happiness Oct 09, 2022

I have been fascinated by the human mind for most of my life. One particular aspect of humanity that has interested me is the ups and downs of the human outlook. I have coached a number of people who have set big goals, accomplished them, and then felt somewhat depressed afterward. It was the...

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The Rhythm of You habit loop habits for success hypnotic rhythm lead yourself leadership Oct 08, 2022

Each of us operates under a certain rhythm we have developed throughout our lives. Everyone is driven by this rhythm, but most never know what it is. The rhythm has been called a habit loop, daily patterns, preconscious thought, and a host of other labels. No matter what it is called, it is what...

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Through The Looking Glass charles cooley healthy mind leadership coaching psychology self concept Oct 07, 2022

Charles Cooley suggested that we are not simply what we perceive ourselves to be. Instead, we are what we imagine others perceive us to be. His theory, known as “The Looking-Glass Self,” proposed that we create the value of ourselves based on paying attention to what others around us...

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More Than 10,000 Hours expert leadership malcolm gladwell outliers success Oct 06, 2022

In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers, he talked about the 10,000-hour rule as the basis for a person becoming an expert in a given area. I was fascinated with the book and have always loved his writing. He told a number of stories demonstrating that experts in various areas gave 10,000...

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The Competition business strategy competition decision making leadership Oct 05, 2022

One of the great fallacies of our thinking is looking at those who do the same thing as us and believe they are the competition. Things changed significantly in my life when I realized the only real competition that existed was who I used to be. This realization shifted me from making decisions...

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The Price We Pay discipline dreams lead yourself no regrets success Oct 04, 2022

Everything we want in life comes at a price. If we want success, we trade time, discipline, talent, and often more to get the success we want. If we want a great relationship, we trade arrogance, deceit, and self-centeredness. If we want a great life, we trade our bad habits and laziness to get...

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