Where Two Are More Are Gathered Together… conflict conflict resolution leadership leadership skills Oct 23, 2022

I have been teaching conflict resolution for right at a quarter of a century and joke that 1st Jody 1:2 reads… Where two or more are gathered together, conflict shall exist. Humans simply see the world from their own angle instead of another person's angle. I have often referred to this as...

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3 Key Factors Leaders Use To Define Reality culture leadership mission vision Oct 22, 2022

The first job of a leader is to define reality for their team. This doesn’t mean a leader redefines actual existence, though. It means that a leader defines the parameters within which we pursue success. From the models of work, to the profitability models, to the culture itself, leaders...

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A Hard Habit To Break balance be present mindfulness technology cleanse Oct 21, 2022

We are genuinely an always-on society. I took this weekend and went to my college homecoming. We had a blast walking the campus, noticing all the changes, and reminiscing about who we were back in the day. But I noticed something as I was walking around. I noticed that most college students had...

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Progress in Life leadership progress retreats success wisdom Oct 20, 2022

“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.” Epictetus

I have a group of guys with whom I lead a retreat that are all either in upper leadership positions or own businesses. Each year, we come together to help invest in the rest of the group,...

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One Piece of Advice advice choices kids Oct 19, 2022

I recently saw a question posted asking what one piece of advice you would want to give to your child for them to carry with them every day. It made me think about my own kids and the advice I hope they carry with them.

“In the end, everything is simply a choice.”

When my kids were...

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3 Habits of Success cosmic habit force napoleon hill success successful entrepreneurs Oct 18, 2022

Three primary habits of success create your experience of this world. How one interacts with or manages these key areas will determine the experience they have in this life. Those who accomplish great things are intentional about managing themselves in relation to these habits. Napoleon Hill...

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Leaders Exchange Ideas carl rogers communication jean piaget leadership leadership development Oct 17, 2022

I sometimes use an opening in my speeches where I ask someone if they have a $20 bill and if they would come to the front with the money. I then wave a $20 bill of my own. I ask the person if we could exchange the money. Then, I exchange my $20 for their $20. I thank them, and they head back to...

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Training Matters… business success employee developement onboarding skills development Oct 16, 2022

There are a number of factors one must address to ensure an employee has the best onboarding experience. Unfortunately, most onboarding has more to do with paperwork and rules than creating success for your people. The following steps are what must be established in order to build a successful...

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The Unsexy Truth About Success hard work success successful entrepreneurs Oct 15, 2022

I would imagine every generation of young people has imagined being wildly successful on an idea alone. It would come to them in a flash of insight that they put down on paper, and then people show up to magically make them rich because the idea is so good. I know those were my thoughts at 27...

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When I Was A Kid… careers childlikewonder dreams come true hopes and dreams Oct 14, 2022

We hear people talk regularly about what the world was like when they were a kid. Our parents likely had to trudge uphill to school, barefoot, jacketless, in the snow. Then somehow, it would be uphill on the way home after school as well. What we seldom hear about, though, is what people actually...

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3 Reasons Performance Reviews Don’t Work engagement leadership performance management performance reviews Oct 13, 2022

As the generations change, so does the approach to managing performance in the workplace. A couple of generations ago, performance was managed in an annual conversation and written evaluation. The annual performance review proved to provide very little developmental value over and over again, but...

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What We Crave brass ring fulfillment purpose success Oct 12, 2022

Throughout my life, I have watched people chase after the illusive brass ring. They define the lifestyle they want and chase after the lifestyle as if it will bring them the joy they have been missing. They think that the right car, the right house, or the right significant other will be the key....

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