Leveraging Different authenticity creativity leadership potential self leadership Sep 17, 2022

We spend most of our lives striving to fit in with the world around us. We dress like the people around us. We talk like the people around us. We even strive to know the same information as the people around us. Admittedly, much of the conditioning we are given pushes us toward this sameness with...

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The Warrior Within emotional control eq inner strength self leadership Sep 16, 2022

One of the speeches I recently listened to from Dr. Jordan Peterson encouraged people to find the beast within themselves and then tame it. He said that it was not a docile person that was good for this world. Instead, it was a strong person who understand how to regulate their strength which was...

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Business, Not Busyness busyness leadership procrastination productivity time managment Sep 15, 2022

One of the phrases that I began using early on in my entrepreneurial life was “Be in business, not busyness.” We spend so much time doing things that don't actually move us toward our desired end goal. We allow others to dictate what is urgent instead of taking charge of what is...

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Facing Your Shadow carl jung individuation overcoming psychology shadow work Sep 14, 2022

Dr. Carl Jung founded Analytical Psychology with a focus on helping people figure out how to be the best version of themselves. This was a departure from the more fatalistic view Freud held about how messed up a person was. One of the key concepts Jung talked about was what he called...

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The Law of The Vital Few leadership pareto principle time management time management tips vital few Sep 13, 2022

In our lives, multiple laws govern the outcomes we experience. The law of the vital few is the premise that there are only a few things we do that produce the majority of the outcomes we experience. The opposite is true as well. The law of the pointless many states that there are lots of things...

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Getting Traction alignment leadership traction values vision Sep 12, 2022

It doesn’t matter if you are talking about making your business better or your family better; getting traction can be tough. Traction is a reference to what it is like to work hard without moving forward versus working hard while moving forward. One of the common mistakes we make is to...

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The Rhythm of Growth hypnotic rhythm leadership modeling nlp Sep 11, 2022

Each of us creates a rhythm for our life. This rhythm is the pattern of habits we create that end up running our lives. These patterns can be altered anytime we desire. However, most people simply accept the rhythm given to them through their conditioning. When we are young, we see examples of...

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Why We Trust A Leader diversity leadership skills successful entrepreneurs trust Sep 10, 2022

Trust is at the very foundation of leadership. For anyone in a leadership role for more than a minute, you recognize that your primary job is to get others to want to do what you want/need them to do. This idea of moving people toward a stronger sense of internal motivation can be perplexing when...

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Monkeys, Management, and Chaos Sep 09, 2022

I remember reading the book, The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey, years ago. The book was a revisit to the Harvard Business Review article titled “Management Time: Who’s Got The Monkey.” The premise of the lesson was that each of us is faced with making decisions about the...

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